zhangyl 发表于 2005-5-1 12:12:19



1.The computers are widely used in education and some people think teacher are not play important role in the classroom. To what extend do you agree? (Agree/disagree)
P.S. I wrote 2 beginning paragraph because I don’t know which one is better.
Can computers replace teachers in the classroom?
In times of the wide use of computers in the modern society, the issue that teacher will not be necessary in education is, in my opinion, a controversial question and worthwhile to consider. Since the computer has been invented and used in education for several decades, it plays an assistant instrument role all along. It is hard to accept that computer will take place teacher.
One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been the invention of computers. They are already widely used in education and some people believe that the time may come when it will be possible for their taking place of teacher as well. However, I am convinced those teachers still are extremely necessary in the future.

First of all, teachers can adjust the teaching approach during the education while computers cannot. As it known by all, students are in different level of understanding and receiving ability. For example, if the students have strong ability to possess knowledge, the teachers can save their time for giving them extra knowledge. This could make the teaching more flexible and efficient. On the other hand, computers only give all the students the same answer although they progress at different level.

Secondly, Teachers can help students obtain the learning methods, however, computers cannot. When students meet problems in their studying, teachers can not only explain the relevant academic knowledge to students, but also tell them the procedure. Next time the students will not make the same mistakes. Whereas, computers just display a right answer and cannot make the students possess the knowledge. This is the essential difference between teachers and computers.

Admittedly, computers are regarded the most effective instruments in education. By using computers, teachers make the class more interesting and interactive; they can save time to do other important things by letting computers do the calculation and statistic. It is obvious that computers are benefit so much to modern educational development.

In a word, computers may be useful tools in the teaching procedure, but teachers’ role will not be taken place by computer. It is reasonable to except a more enlighten and advanced education system will occur after all the teachers use computers in a proper way.

2.How should the government help and support young people?

Young people are important resources to their country. But governments may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. By your experience, what government needs to do for supporting or helping young people? Please show those problems and give your idea or suggestion to solve the issue.

    This is an increasingly fast-paced and competitive world in which live is placing growing pressure on young people to perform is their jobs, studying and relationships. However, the governments have not concerned about essential problems faced by young people.


To begin with, the governments have not shown enough solicitude for young people in spirit and this makes some young people are spiritually barren. It is generally believed that the youth is the most dangerous group in modern society for they have to support various pressures in everyday life. For example, youth commit the crimes in a high rate, such as murder, mistreatness and overspeed. Some of them even take drugs or commit suicide because they feel pessimistic and life is meaningless. Therefore, it is necessary that governments should give extra effort not only to their academic knowledge but also their spiritual education.


Another factor is the governments do not provide effective and equal job opportunity for young people. Finding a job maybe is the most important thing for youth after they become independent from the parents. Nevertheless, it is considerably hard for young people to find satisfied and well paid jobs. Most companies are unwilling to hire young people who are lack of working experience. But how comes they improve their experience if no one can provide a chance to them? In addition, although some young people find jobs, they can hardly be promoted because of the conservative thinking of the administrator. The governments should create a more impartial competition environment for the youth.

    Not surprisingly, young people are so important resources to the country that they should be taken great importance by the governments. Firstly, special associations those devote to solve youth problems should be set up, which will give a helpful hand to young people. Secondly, the governments should encourage companies by giving more chances for young to change the situation of lack of job opportunity.


    To sum up, in spite of the physical maturity, young people are still not mature psychologically. They need to given more patience and concern. If governments could success in cultivating young people, the whole country will be hopeful and promising.


3.The world’s water supplies are diminishing. Recently the problem has been brought into focus. Although the problem is not as serious as it will be in the future, it is now that governments must look for a solution.

The world’s water supplies are diminishing. Recently the problem has been brought into focus. Although the problem is not as serious as it will be in the future, it is now that governments must look for a solution.

We have to accept that modern industries improve our living standard; however, they also cause a tremendous amount of pollution by discharging untreated waste into our waterways. What’s even worse is that these factories have no conscience. Scientific techniques are available to prevent the pollution of our natural water resources but, because of cost, factories ignore them. Although people have benefited a lot since the Industrial Revolution of 19 century, has the price been too much? It has cost us the clean air and pure water nature so freely provides.

Secondly, domestically, people keep wasting water because of their lack of concern for the future. They leave a tap dripping for hours, sometimes days, neglecting to change the washer. Some people waste the water consciously or unconsciously in their everyday life: They fill a bath to the top; spend an extra long time in the shower; Leave the sprinklers on in their garden all through summer; Wash their car when it is not necessary. These people don’t realise that the water they use for a bath is the same amount an individual would use for one year in some Africa countries!

In my opinion, there are two ways to solve the problem. Institute a series of laws to protect water resources. This should reduce the activity of pollution and the wastage of water. Those who break the law should be punished severely. Moreover, the government should educate people to cherish every drop of water. This will make people aware of the importance of looking after what we have and providing pure, clean water for the future generations.

In conclusion, though the problem can be dealt with through the government control, people still need to pay more attention to the wise and thrifty use of the water they have today. This more enlightened approach will, hopefully allow future generations to possess enough clean water for their needs.

4.Many females join the army in some countries. Some people think females should not join the army as soldiers. Do you agree or disagree?

    There is a growing agreement that females should gain equal opportunities as males in all fields. In some countries, however, in the opinion of some people females should not join the army to be soldiers. I am convinced that female rights and interests should be taken seriously, including their desire of being soldiers.


   First of all, because of difference of biological function between man and woman, females have some strong points that males are lack of normally. Although females seem to be weaker physically, they are more careful and meticulous. For example, in World War II, almost all the nurses in military hospitals were female for they could take good care of the wounded soldiers. In addition, it’s generally believed that female soldiers are more efficient in receiving and sending military information than males. Therefore, women play a particular role in army from past to the present.


    Secondly, no matter what gender, everyone should be treated equally. As can be seen, lots of female soldiers make considerable contribution to the development of military and their countries. It will be irrational and unfair if they are forbidden to join the army only for they are female! They should be given the same opportunities as men to make their dreams come true. Furthermore, *** discrimination should not emerge in such a legalized and civilized society.


    To sum up, men and women both have strong and weak points. It is not appropriate and unfair to stress one gender and ignore another one. It is reasonable to except a more enlightened and advanced society will occur when the females integrate the males properly. (269words)


5. nature and nurture? whice one plays major role in personality and development?
nature & nurture
In times of increasingly advanced society, the issue that whether gene of environment has a greater influence to people has been brought into focus. I am convinced that the nurture plays an essential role during people’s growth.


To begin with, people’s personality and temperament can be cultivated by their families. That means parents’ activities and words have extremely deep effect the children and children always be eager to simulate that. It is truth that the family members affect each other unconsciously. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why a child who is brought up in an amiable family will tend to be kind and warm-hearted to other people.

    In addition, school education is also a major aspect to develop people’s characters. Nowadays, people tend to spend more and more money and time in universities, colleges and schools. Apart from gaining knowledge, students can form their ways of thinking by reading all sorts of books, communicating with other students and guiding from teachers. Meanwhile, even different teaching methods foster various students. For example, the western students are more broad-minded that eastern students which are educated in a conventional mode.


Admittedly, in some special fields such as arts and sports, it is necessary for the professions that they do need some talent to undertake the jobs. After all, not everyone can become sports stars or artists.


To sum up, nurture is more important to people’s growth for it has an impact upon persons’ personality and will influence their whole life. Consequently, more effort should be made to individuals’ postnatal cultivation for it is particularly essential for the development of all people.


It is a widely acknowledged fact that nowadays people are paying much more attention to children’s education than before. Generally, sports are considered full of competition and therefore should not be prompted into schools. However, I am convinced that sports play an essential role in modern education.

To begin with, sports have not only spirit of competition but also cooperation. This can be proved by numerous team sports which contain more cooperation than competition. Take football match for example. A football team only can win the match when all the eleven players co-operate well with each other. Similarly, the students could learn the importance of cooperation by involved in all sorts of team sports. Therefore, sports will not cause the students’ lack of cooperation, but provide abundant chances for them to improve their ability of cooperation.

In addition, competition is also one of essential capabilities that the students should gain in modern society. This is an increasingly fast-paced and competitive world. If the students do not understand the meaning of competition and have the ability to compete, they will be easily beat off by others in the future. Accordingly, sports game are the most appropriate and effective method to teach students how to fairly compete.

It is undeniable that some sports are of too much vehemence such as boxing and wrestling, which are likely to make students form aggressive personalities. This kind of sports games should be avoided to recommend to schools.

To sum up, obviously, sports could greatly improve the students’ capacities both competition and cooperation. It is reasonable to except a more enlightened and advanced education achievement will occur when sports integrate the school education properly.

7. University graduates have higher pay than those people who have lower education. Therefore, some people say that they should pay the full tuition. To what degree do you agree or disagree?

University graduates should pay full fees.

    In times of increasingly competitive world, as the University graduates are easier to find a job and have higher salary than those people who do not have higher education, some people consider the University students should pay the whole tuition fees instead of government’s financial allocations. This issue may vary from person to person, while I think it is necessary that the University graduates pay the full tuition.

    To begin with, it is reasonable to expect that the University students compensate their instruction fees for it will help improve the social equality. As it known by all, the University graduates have more opportunity to obtain good and high salary jobs than others only because of their higher educational background. Also, this is unfair for the people who do not have chance to study in University. Actually, some countries have carried out this kind of policy. For example, in America, the students who study in accounting are hardly get scholarship because they know how to make money after graduation.

In addition, this will also lighten the financial burden on the government. Every country has a large number of universities, institute and polytechnic. Imagine how much money will be if the governments take backing the financial allocations! Then, by executing such a policy, the government can make good use of the money to those aspects which are more important and urgent, such as public facility, the disable people, which will update the whole society become more harmony and active.

    To sum up, take into account all the factors, the advantages is obvious that the University students afford the tuition fees. This more farsighted approach will, hopefully allow people to possess a better and higher living standard.

[To sum up, the three reasons I believe University graduates should pay full tuition for their education are:
1]       It is easier for them to find jobs
2)       They end up in a higher socio-economic group
3)       The subsides used are better reallocated to other areas of the economy.

This more farsighted approach will, hopefully allow all people to possess a better and higher living standard.]

开开心心 发表于 2005-5-1 16:57:22


开开心心 发表于 2005-5-1 17:00:34

想给楼主加声望,为什么总是显示 "再一次给 zhangyl 添加声望之前, 您必须对周围其他会员评论声望"?


御风行天下 发表于 2005-5-2 20:28:14


zhangyl 发表于 2005-5-21 20:42:07


贝贝娘 发表于 2005-7-31 20:39:24

太棒了!『崇拜』 『崇拜』

还有更多的吗?期待ing!!!『Canada-Flag』 『Canada-Flag』

zhangyl 发表于 2005-7-31 23:59:05

Post by 贝贝娘
太棒了!『崇拜』 『崇拜』

还有更多的吗?期待ing!!!『Canada-Flag』 『Canada-Flag』

Aim 发表于 2005-8-1 00:14:57


zhangyl 发表于 2005-8-1 00:17:01

Post by Aim

猫人 发表于 2005-8-1 00:26:20


fafan 发表于 2005-8-1 09:08:33


zhangyl 发表于 2005-8-1 09:37:33

Post by fafan

fafan 发表于 2005-8-1 09:51:31

Post by zhangyl

贝贝娘 发表于 2005-8-2 23:48:06

Post by zhangyl


zhangyl 发表于 2005-8-3 00:07:31

Post by 贝贝娘

nanshan 发表于 2005-8-14 11:57:13


laurence 发表于 2005-10-21 16:50:52

没怎么读,但是怎么全都是一样,一开始就来in times of ...有意义吗,背范文出来的东西.难道写文章也来in times of ..
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