本帖最后由 sog 于 2013-5-21 20:00 编辑今天收到了University of Guelph 的本科录取通知书,专业是Bachelor of Science in Agriculture 。其实我在国内不做农业相关工作,而是帮助企业申请项目批文。大学里面学的专业也是经济管理。来到加拿大以后感觉很难做回原来的工作和专业了,就考虑换一个方向。
顺便说一句,我没有那么多钱,买不起农场,所以做农场主这条路就免了。 去挖蚯蚓。 2# lamjin
不过我也很喜欢钓鱼,那就挖蚯蚓去钓鱼吧。 车道山前必有路
生活一定会很美好滴 来了就会知道,来前规划好的路,不一定是你来后所走的路。有时候,计划不如变化快。 4# 红酒 红酒,谢谢你的鼓励。你很乐观,我喜欢乐观向上的人。
看你的签名,你打算8月份过去。我也打算8月份,新学期开学之前过去。 5# David-qd
大卫,你说得很有道理。我大学的专业其实就不是我想学的专业。不过,我还是尽可能地会事先做好规划,后面的变化那是后面的事情。 先来读了再说吧,这里的本科也不是那么容易读出来的,要做好苦读的思想准备。再说这里大学前两年都是读的general的理论课,通用的,专业课好像要2年后再考还是再申请读,具体不清楚,反正不是和国内大学那样,说啥专业就啥专业的,也可以转的。不知道你是留学生还是移民,也不知道政策是不是通用,请知道的同学具体回答吧! 8# 枫铃 好的,谢谢。
看来要努力读书了,我怕毕不了业。 今天仔细研究了了School Calendar,头4个学期的课程都是指定的,没有什么选择的余地。其中1/8的课程可以视为公共课,主要就是数学,其他的全部都是专业课。也就是说,想要转专业,只有两条路。第一条就是一开始就申明要换专业,当然还得学校同意;第二条路就是修第二专业,只要有能力、有时间,再修至少相当于毕业总学分的1/4的其他专业的学分,就可以获得Minor Degree. 今天仔细研究了了School Calendar,头4个学期的课程都是指定的,没有什么选择的余地。其中1/8的课程可以视为公共课,主要就是数学,其他的全部都是专业课。也就是说,想要转专业,只有两条路。第一条就是一开始就申 ...
sog 发表于 2013-5-24 22:10 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
一般本地本科毕业都能找到相关的工作,不用担心。 11# zhangyl 多谢张博士的鼓励。我一定努力。 Guelph大学的农学相关专业是非常强的,是这个大学的特长。入学后,找机会同辅导学生就业的career counselor谈一下,以便早一点确定自己的职业发展方向『Canada-Flag』 Guelph的信息还是比较透明的,学校提供了2003年毕业生6个月和2年后的就业率数据。
Source: 2006 MTCU OSAP Performance Indicators
Table 1: Employment Rates - University of Guelph
ProgramSix MonthsTwo YearsAgriculture & Biological Science
96.97%98.10%Architecture/Landscape Architecture100.00%100.00%Business & Commerce100.00%94.74%Computer Science88.24%94.12%Engineering78.79%90.32%Fine & Applied Arts86.67%90.91%Food Sciences & Nutrition100.0%94.59%Humanities97.30%97.83%Kinesiology, Recreation & Physical Education 283.33%95.83%Mathematics 4100.0%100.00%Other Arts & Science 393.33%95.00%Physical Science80.00%100.00%Social Science91.10%97.37%Veterinary Medicine96.77%100.00%All Programs93.24%96.57%Notes:
[*]Employment Rate is measured as the percentage of 2003 graduates of bachelors or first professional degree programs who were employed 6 months and two years after graduation. 2006年毕业生的就业情况K2. Key Performance Indicators (Guelph Campus)Employment Rates of 2006 Graduates in Undergraduate Programs
ProgramEmployment Rate 2 yearsEmployment Rate 6 monthsAgriculture & Biological Science95.04%92.68%Architecture100.00%90.00%Business & Commerce96.74%97.78%Computer Science100.00%93.33%Engineering97.14%96.77%Fine & Applied Arts100.00%100.00%Food Science & Nutrition100.00%100.00%Humanities89.86%98.44%Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys. Educ.94.12%100.00%Mathematics100.00%100.00%Other Arts & Science85.00%78.95%Other Health Professions100.00%100.00%Physical Science91.67%100.00%Social Science94.62%95.08%Veterinary Medicine100.00%97.22%Overall Average95.28%95.48%�Employment Rates: The employment rate is defined as the number of employed persons expressed as a percentage of the labour force where the labour force is those persons who were employed, or unemployed but looking for work. To determine employment rates of recent graduates, Ontario universities conducted a survey of all 2006 graduates of undergraduate degree programs. Graduates were asked questions regarding their employment situation six months and two years after graduation.
Source: Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU) and Institutions 2009年毕业生的情况Source: 2012 MTCU OSAP Performance IndicatorsTable 1: Employment Rates - University of GuelphProgramSix MonthsTwo YearsAgriculture & Biological Science88.2%89.4%Architecture/Landscape Architecture85.0%95.2%Business & Commerce90.4%94.2%Computer Science100.0%96.4%Engineering88.9%100.0%Fine & Applied Arts90.0%92.9%Food Sciences & Nutrition90.4%94.4%Humanities86.2%92.7%Kinesiology, Recreation & Physical Education 293.3%97.1%Mathematics100.0%80.0%Other Arts & Science 393.9%98.5%Other Health Professions100.0%100.0%Physical Science70.0%90.9%Social Science87.3%91.5%Veterinary Medicine 97.6%100.0%All Programs89.5%93.5%<< back
[*]Employment Rate is measured as the percentage of 2009 graduates of bachelors or first professional degree programs who were employed 6 months and two years after graduation. 还想同时再读一个minor 专业 ? 没可能 ,major 可能还都读不下来。 本帖最后由 sog 于 2013-5-26 08:08 编辑
200920062003 AllPrograms89.50%95.48%93.24% Agriculture & Biological Science88.20%92.68%96.97%
(5)有些行业的表现还是不错滴,比如Computer Science, Mathematics, Health Professions, Veterinary Medicine,恭喜这些行业的同学们。 想问一下Lamjin你是学什么专业的?
Table 2: Graduation Rates - University of Guelph
ProgramGraduation RateAgriculture & Biological Science82.1%Architecture/Landscape Architecture91.7%Business & Commerce76.4%Computer Science67.9%Engineering85.2%Fine & Applied Arts72.9%Food Sciences & Nutrition84.1%Humanities70.2%Mathematics64.3%Other Arts & Science 378.1%Kinesiology, Recreation & Physical Education 285.7%Physical Science71.0%Social Science76.4%Veterinary Medicine98.1%All Programs79.3%Notes:
[*]Graduation Rate is measured as the percentage of Year 1 students in bachelors of first professional degree programs in 1997 who subsequently received a degree between 1998 and 2004 in any program area.
K2A. Key Performance Indicators (Guelph Campus)Degree Completion Rate for Undergraduate Cohort, Fall 2002 New, Year 1 Students
ProgramGraduation RateAgriculture & Biological Science77.1%Architecture93.1%Business & Commerce82.9%Computer Science55.6%Engineering74.0%Fine & Applied Arts78.6%Food Science & Nutrition80.6%Humanities79.7%Kinesiology, Recreation & Phys. Educ.75.3%Mathematics72.7%Other Arts & Science67.6%Physical Science75.3%Social Science79.1%Veterinary Medicine100.0%Total new full-time year one undergraduate students enrolled in fall 2002
Total students reported above who graduated by 20092,924�Graduation Rates: The MTCU has calculated graduation rates using a single entering cohort of students and determining whether or not they graduated within seven years. The methodology employed involves the selection of all new full-time, Year One undergraduate students on the official Fall 2002 enrolment file, who have a valid (and unique) student ID number, and were seeking either a bachelors or first professional degree. The subset was then matched against the records for students who received a degree (in any program) from the same institution during the most current seven year period (2002 to 2009).
Source: Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU) and Institutions
Table 2: Graduation Rates - University of GuelphProgramGraduation RateAgriculture & Biological Science83.6%Architecture/Landscape Architecture92.0%Business & Commerce80.5%Computer Science71.7%Engineering76.8%Fine & Applied Arts79.5%Food Sciences & Nutrition89.1%Humanities82.6%Mathematics84.2%Other Arts & Science 376.4%Other Health Professions475.0%Kinesiology, Recreation & Physical Education 283.3%Physical Science81.0%Social Science82.7%Veterinary Medicine100.0%All Programs81.7%<< back
[*]Graduation Rate is measured as the percentage of Year 1 students in bachelors of first professional degree programs in 2003 who subsequently received a degree between 2004 and 2010 in any program area. 功课做得不错,所谓:预,则立。保持这个劲头,你在加拿大的职业发展就能左右逢源『呵呵』