大家帮我看看, 0211工程经理会不会很快满额?
本人打算申请0211, 目前还没有收到WES, 其他的材料七七八八差不多了, 如果快的话这周末之前应该能投出去。上帝保佑啊。想问下大家有什么想法?1,0211工程经理, 申请的人多不多?『怕怕』
2, 按照cic的描述, 职责应该怎么写啊?
Engineering managers perform some or all of the following duties:[*]Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities and operations of an engineering department, service or firm[*]Develop and implement policies, standards and procedures for the engineering and technical work performed in the department, service, laboratory or firm[*]Consult and negotiate with clients to prepare specifications, explain proposals and present engineering reports and findings[*]Assign, co-ordinate and review the technical work of the department or project teams[*]Recruit personnel and oversee development and maintenance of staff competence in required areas[*]May participate directly in the design, development and inspection of technical projects or in the engineering work of the department. 职责以实际情况为准,以与cic的描述大部分符合为必要条件,大意一致就行,别通篇照抄
至于cap,呵呵,只能祝你好运了 是这样的。。。
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:-P 3# Ruibin 『大汗』瑞版说得我好紧张啊。。。 也想搞 看看 5# jdzhong xuexi ing 学习了 学习 DDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDD 争分夺秒是王道,祝大家都好运! 学习一下。 是咋样的 看来没戏了, WES到现在都没收到, 今年没希望了。 学习 也想知道答案呢 看来没戏了, WES到现在都没收到, 今年没希望了。 我觉得**** Hidden Message ***** 学习了