TIM 律师资格被暂停60天。
Leahy, Timothy Edward (2012-12-06)
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Timothy Edward Leahy (1991), of the City of Toronto, was found to have engaged in professional misconduct for:
[*]failing to co-operate with an investigation of the Law Society by failing to produce information and documents requested in Law Society communications.
By Decision and Order dated December 06, 2012 the hearing panel ordered as follows:
[*]The Lawyer is suspended for 60 days, commencing on February 1, 2013, and continuing indefinitely thereafter until he has produced, to the satisfaction of the Director of Professional Regulation, a complete response to N. Woloszczuk's written communications dated May 1, 2012, May 29, 2012, June 5, 2012, June 6, 2012, and June 18, 2012.[*]The Lawyer shall comply fully with the terms of the Law Society's Guidelines for Lawyers who are Suspended or who have Given an Undertaking Not to Practise, while suspended pursuant to this Order.[*]The Lawyer shall pay costs to the Law Society in the amount of $5,827.08 within twelve months of the date of this Order, failing which interest will accrue at a rate of 3% per annum thereafter.
为此移民部CIC 专门发出通告一个内部的OB494, 向CIC分支机构发出通知,通报Mr. Leahy已经被停牌, 并同时要求其加强对服务代理人的资质审查工作.
http://www.canada.com/Government+officials+alert+after+immigration+lawyer+suspended/7907252/story.html According to Citizenship and Immigration, the warning comes as a result of the Cracking Down on Crooked Consultants Act which became law in March 2011 and seeks to toughen the rules for those who charge a fee for immigration services in a bid to combat fraud.
The law requires service providers be “in good standing” with their professional regulator. 隔壁那边又开始吵架了 so what?
lamjin 发表于 2013-2-4 06:26 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
展开说说你的观点? 记得刚开始就有人质疑过tim 的职业操守, 那现在的摆在眼前事实又是什么呢? 楼上的, 这个问题你怎么看? 好像不是第一次了吧 记得刚开始就有人质疑过tim 的职业操守, 那现在的摆在眼前事实又是什么呢? 楼上的, 这个问题你怎么看?
lamjin 发表于 2013-2-5 05:32 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
so what? he doesn't need a license to be a profiteer.
so what? he doesn't need a license to be a profiteer.
jessicalaw 发表于 2013-2-5 13:51 http://ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
那筒子们可惨了。失财又失身呀。 恭喜lamjin,终于可以落井下石了。CIC发OB494提前照会您老人家没有啊?
--CIC:Just do you work! OK?
--某某: 没问题,我这就发帖子去!
oh, don't forget to get your piece of bone。
--某某:yes, sir。[飞奔而去]
---------- 以上段子仅供娱乐 ---------------------
就算最后输了,也是正常司法审判结果,何必如此作践同胞?你自己节操何在? 本帖最后由 要离开 于 2013-2-6 10:50 编辑
lamjin什么时候说自己和tim是同胞了? 11# 要离开
还“失财又失身”,这不是作践是什么? 加拿大的法律很搞笑,律师资格也可以暂停,是不是就像司机违章后,被吊销执照一样的道理呢?『怕怕』 加拿大的法律很搞笑,律师资格也可以暂停,是不是就像司机违章后,被吊销执照一样的道理呢?『怕怕』
life007 发表于 2013-2-6 20:39 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
国内也一样呀。 一般打官司,都是找名声比较好的,专门找记录不良的律师的还比较少见。 面对其他筒子的多次善意的提醒, 仍然自愿上钩,要说也是自己作践自己啊。 现在官司的走势,就像开始发出的提醒一样, 不容乐观呀,筒子们要保持清醒的认识。
现在TIM 又开始忽悠投资移民打官司。 可以想像的出,到时tim 会把重点放在什么地方,pre50 的 ,已经没什么油水了。
lamjin 发表于 2013-2-7 06:28 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
快去经营你的板块,过阵子,俺去和你学习英语去了。『必胜』 一般打官司,都是找名声比较好的,专门找记录不良的律师的还比较少见。 面对其他筒子的多次善意的提醒, 仍然自愿上钩,要说也是自己作践自己啊。 现在官司的走势,就像开始发出的提醒一样, 不容乐观呀,筒子们要保 ...
lamjin 发表于 2013-2-7 06:52 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
打了官司,赢了就赚了;即使输了,也无所谓,就是多 ...
life007 发表于 2013-2-8 06:17 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif你的意思筒子们 被骗也乐意,反正不差钱。 你的意思筒子们 被骗也乐意,反正不差钱。
lamjin 发表于 2013-2-8 12:49 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
这是你说的,可不是我说的哈!『怕怕』 从现在的情况看, tim 基本是把重点放在投资移民的案子上了, pre50的让自生自灭了。