大概是2012年12月10日到12月25日之间从Inprocess变为Decision made
"We started processing your application on March 4, 2008.
A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision."
请大虾们指点。 焦急等待中。。。。
我的案子挺有意思。 是自己2008年3月4日邮寄北京使馆的三页纸的申请排队,2010年10月27日收到邮件通知补全资料,以后查询状态就一直是In process,最近2012年12月10-25日之间查询状态直接由In process 变为了Decision Made,当时好激动,可是仔细一想没有收到体检通知就Decision Made 是不是被拒了?真担心。 我的申请日期正好卡在91之后(91政策至2008年2月27日,我是2008年3月4日),但是又是交的简化的3页纸申请,后通知补全的资料。 谁有高见啊,给解释解释,这是啥情况。 应该是拒了。 会有信通知被拒吗? 各位大虾,
大概是2012年12月10日到12月25日之间从Inprocess变为Decision made
但是还没有收到体检通知,不 ...
richard_sj 发表于 2013-1-3 11:38 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
227也是简化程序,除了职业限制,其他跟91没啥本质区别。 你肯定不是3月4日递交的,使馆在3月4日给你FN,所以你是2月27日之前递交的91简化程序。
你在2009年到2010间,有补充详细申请资料吗? Ruibin你好,
This letter is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. To continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package by carefully following the instructions. Submitting documents separately will delay the processing of your application. In order for us to match your package with your file, include a copy of this letter as the top page of your package.
Please do not send your original passport(s) at this time.
The detailed list of requirements is located at:
The information requested above is relevant evidence and documentation that may be reasonably required to continue processing your application and to satisfy the visa officer that you meet the selection and admissibility requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations.
This request is made pursuant to subsection 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act which states that a person who makes an application must produce all relevant evidence and documents that the officer reasonably requires.The requested information may be relevant for our determination as to whether or not you meet the selection and statutory requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations.If the requested information is not provided, the visa officer may not be satisfied that you meet the selection and admissibility requirements.Therefore, if you fail to comply with this request within 120 days of the date of this message, your application may be refused.
Our recommendation is that, as soon as you receive this message, you make arrangements for Language Testing with either IELTS and/or TEF.This will ensure that you have sufficient time in order to meet our deadline.
Please keep this office informed of any change of mailing address or telephone number as well as your email address. If you have not already done so, you should provide us with your current mailing address in Chinese characters as part of your package.
Please access our website for information regarding your application and current processing times.http://www.beijing.gc.ca
If your application is refused, you will be able to reapply, but you will also be required to submit a new application and pay a new processing fee.Any new application will be assessed according to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations in force at the time that the new application is submitted.
If you are no longer interested in immigrating to Canada and you wish to withdraw your application, please inform us by either e-mail or fax.We will then contact you to make arrangements to return your full processing fee.
Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French. If you send us a message in Chinese characters, please ensure it is accompanied by either an English or French translation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature 誰能解答一下阿 已经可以确定你是北京91最后一批补料的人。
这一拨的,都受到“一刀切”政策的波及,被迫退案(详细看这里 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=100107)。
不过被切的申请人现在发起了一系列诉讼,你要多来论坛,了解诉讼动向。 加拿大有亲戚和移民有关吗?是不是不够分也不行? 北京使馆几号上班?我的电子邮寄询问进程没有回复。是3号发的 --以下邮件是自动回复的,看来只有等了---Original Message to BEJING (IMMIGRATION)/Message d'origine BEJING
Your enquiry has been received by the Canadian Embassy, Beijing -
Immigration Section.
For information and online case status: www.cic.gc.ca.
If your application is within normal processing times you may not receive
a reply.
If your message contains new information for your file, it will be updated
but you may not receive a reply.