大家怎么看这个-转载:换领枫叶卡 须附5年税单 5年在学证明
此文为转载:换领枫叶卡 须附5年税单 5年在学证明
移民部6月修订枫叶卡(PR Card)换发规定,要求检附两年税单,造成许多非税务居民(non resident for tax purposes)恐慌。不料移民部近期推出更严苛规定,要求最近五年税单,无法提供者需附“法定声明”(statutory declaration),说明原由。
本报今年7月独家披露移民部在6月修改枫叶卡换发规定,要求申请人检附过去五年内的两年个人所得税单(Income Tax assessments),以证明自己符合居住要求。新规定引发不少随同公民配偶在海外居住的“非税务居民”枫叶卡持有人恐慌,因为他们无须报税,无法提出税单,担心换发枫叶卡时遭退件。
不料事隔仅数月,移民部再度修改送件规定,且更为严苛,要求申请人检附过去五年由加拿大税务局(Canada Revenue Agency)发出的所有个人所得税单,或被认可的专上院校五年成绩单,证明自己确实在境内居住。此外,所有学龄儿童也须呈送过去五年的在学证明。
Additional documents of proof of residence in Canada in the past five (5) years
Include the following with your application:
[*]Photocopies of all pages of all passports you held in the past five (5) years (if your stamps are not in English or French, please have them translated, see section on Translation of documents), andA copy of one of the following:
[*]Other Income Tax assessments issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years, or[*]transcripts from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada verifying attendance within the past five (5) years or[*]for all school-aged children, written records verifying attendance within the past five (5) years.If you are unable to provide two secondary identity documents or proof of residence as described above, include a signed and dated statutory declaration clearly explaining the reasons why.
A copy of your Income Tax assessments issued by Canada Revenue Agency for two (2) years within the past five (5) years.
A copy of other Income Tax assessments issued by Canada Revenue Agency within the past five (5) years.
在Step 1: Gather documents 中的第4项 :wdb61: 按5年住满2年即可,那我真住就满两年了,如何提供过去五年的税单啊。之前的三年在国内啊。 元芳是怎么看的?『呵呵』 按5年住满2年即可,那我真住就满两年了,如何提供过去五年的税单啊。之前的三年在国内啊。
小e 发表于 2012-11-24 23:39 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
英文理解不到位。 1年,2年,3年都是5年内。 留印备用 俺们也快到期换枫叶卡了,关注,坐等专家详解.『洋葱头T7』 有时这翻译标题就是误导。