下个月带女儿回国度假一个月,老公现在就在国内。看有的帖子说一个人带小孩回国最好有另一半的同意书。但我们现在并没入籍,拿的就是中国护照,请问也需要这个同意书吗? 严格来说:要,并且要公证http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=51806 可见对孩子的保护 http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/ifcrc-rpcrc-eng.html
Travelling with minors
Border services officers watch for missing children, and may ask detailed questions about any minors travelling with you.
We recommend that parents who share custody of their children carry copies of their legal custody documents, such as custody rights. If you share custody and the other parent is not travelling with you, or if you are travelling with minors for whom you are not the parent or legal guardian, we recommend you carry a consent letter to provide authorization for you to take them on a trip and enter Canada.
A consent letter must include the custodial parents' or legal guardians' full name, address and telephone number. Some travellers choose to have the consent letter notarized, to further support its authenticity, especially if they are undertaking a significant trip and want to avoid any delay.
When travelling with a group of vehicles, parents or guardians should arrive at the border in the same vehicle as their children or any minors they are accompanying. For more tips on travelling with children, consult our fact sheet 不是最好要,而是一定要。