Finally I got myself logged in
Sigh....I have not been here for a while and one day when I tried to log in , it didnot allow me to...
Hahaha, I reset my password and here I am.
Hello everyone. Welcome come back驿路枫情!『Canada-Flag』 『Troll』 When I make it home I am gonna type something in Chinese to you guys.
See you a bit.
『洋葱头T4』 welcome back! 『洋葱头S69』 Why not we just continue using English? I know some friends here wanna learn and practice their foreign language. Is it possible that we make the posts here a stage and everybody can "dance" with their English? ;-) 『洋葱头T31』 我能登陆,但不能发帖,一点发表新话题,就把我踢出去让我log in,但log in 后, 重复踢我出去,大概俺不受欢迎。『难受』 咦?还好能回帖。
借这个地方发一个刚知道的信息。Free movie at Cineplex.看下面连接。 Iagree with what 蓝色薄荷 said.
But, for me, it's difficult to type english as I want. I retrieved my password one more time, how come I have to do that? Is anything wrong with the website? 有问题换个浏览器试试