建议你最近密切关注自己的档案状态,可能会有变化的。 兔子凶猛:谢谢!我希望有过类似经验的朋友准确解释一下 zjd I don’t know much about调档. Why do people do that? Isn’t it a waste of time?
zjd zjd,现在没有任何信息,我催了大使馆,大使馆叫我关注状态变换,也没有要求我补充材料 怎么没有人顶呀 Post by wec080
It kind of looks like CAIPS notes to me. Hope this helps:
好帖!希望有更多的好作品出现.期盼更多的好人帮助大家! 解释内容呀,怎么没有人呀 Well, there really isn't much to explain. You only gave one sentence, which basically means your case has been transferred somewhere and some one will take a look at it on certain date. What else do you want it to explain? 04年11月体检,大使馆回复关注状态变化,现在状态还是6呀
回复: PAPER FILE SENT TO HGI:FILE BF'D TO:STB ON 25-04-2005 ,意味着什么?这是