死神来了上演现实版:女子躲过多伦多枪击 却在丹佛丧命
死神来了现实版,美国电影院枪击案受害者-年轻的体育解说员Jessica Ghawi,就在上个月刚刚躲过了多伦多购物中心枪击案,今天不幸在影院蝙蝠侠首映枪击案中被害。
An aspiring sportscaster who cheated death at a Toronto shopping mall shooting last month is one of the 12 dead in the Colorado movie massacre.
Jessica Ghawi was watching “The Dark Knight Rises” with a long-time friend when a gunman opened fire minutes into the midnight premiere.
She was shot twice, once in the head, her family said.
The young woman was attending the movie with a pal she had convinced to accompany her, Twitter posts show.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ ... 18365#ixzz21BWeCZbT *-)『怕怕』 2楼别怕,你还能灌水58年呢:-D『酷』
反正05年上帝就出手救了俺一命,怎么算也是赚了:-P 看《死神来了》那晚,女儿一集没看完就吓得猫被窝睡觉去了,俺是一连4集看到后半夜;-):-$
跟各位探讨一下哈,被死神带走的最后都进地狱吗*-)俺就关心这个『大汗』 有点小可怕。要死躲不过?死之前会有预感不。。。。『洋葱头T14』 人间惨剧,为什么?为什么? :-(『天啊』