跟着教练去离多伦多几十公里的Oshawa考点考G2,结果第一个左转弯没有处理好。我前面两个车已经转了,我刚到路口变黄灯了,还没反应过来就被考官一脚刹车踩停在线内。悲催......接下来考试照常进行,再没有差错,被扣分也不到20分,但是还是被宣布需要再make appointment。回来仔细反省了很久。 有个网站不错,有开车和停车的各种tips. http://find-a-driving-school.ca/useful-links/还有各省的有关资源的链接
Useful Resources
[*]Alberta Useful Websites[*]Alberta Drivers Licence (Operators Licence)[*]Alberta Ministry of Transportation – Drivers and Vehicles[*]Alberta Ministry of Transportation Website[*]Alberta Traffic Fine Payment System[*]BASIC Licence Driver’s Handbook[*]Bill of Sale[*]Calgary traffic cameras and conditions[*]City of Calgary – Parking Ticket Inquiry[*]City of Calgary – Transit Schedules[*]City of Edmonton – Bylaw Ticket Payment[*]Driver Abstract Consent[*]Driver Licencing in Alberta[*]Driving in Alberta: Frequently Asked Questions[*]Edmonton traffic cameras[*]Graduated Driver Licensing[*]Highway traffic cameras across Alberta[*]Learner’s Permit (Licence)[*]Medical Examination for Motor Vehicle Operators[*]Moving From Other Provinces to Alberta[*]Out-of-Province Vehicle Inspection Program[*]Scenic driving in Alberta[*]School Bus Driver and Riders Safety[*]Tips on Driving in Alberta Rockies[*]Vehicle Cost Calculator[*]Vehicle Registration Renewal at Alberta Motor Association[*]Vehicle Registration Renewal at Alberta Registry[*]Weather conditions across Alberta[*]British Columbia Useful Websites[*]Brisitsh Columbia Downloadable Driver Handbooks[*]British Columbia – Getting a Driver’s licence[*]British Columbia Driver Licensing[*]DriveSmartBC.ca[*]Driving in British Columbia[*]Insurance corporation of British Columbia[*]Renting a car in British Columbia[*]Manitoba Useful Websites[*]Air Brake manual[*]Manitoba Downloadable Driver Handbooks[*]Manitoba Driver and Vehicle Licensing[*]Manitoba Public Insurance[*]Motor cycle manual[*]Professional Driver Handbook[*]Miscellaneous Websites[*]Drivetest.ca[*]IbikeTO – biking in Toronto[*]New Brunswick Useful Websites[*]New Brunswick – Motor Vehicle-related links[*]New Brunswick Driver Manual[*]Service New Brunswick[*]Newfoundland and Labrador Useful Links[*]Drivers Handbook[*]Government of Newfoundland[*]NewFoundland and Labrador – driver licensing[*]Nova Scotia Useful Websites[*]Licensing requirements for visitors – Government site[*]Nova Scotia Downloadable Driver Handbooks[*]Nova Scotia Government Driver Licensing and Vehicle registration[*]OneStopCanada’s Nova Scotia page[*]Registry of Motor Vehicles[*]Nunavut[*]Canada and Nunavut[*]Community Government and Transportation[*]Map of Nunavut[*]Ontario Useful Websites[*]Guide officiel de l’automobiliste online[*]IbikeT.O. – Biking in Toronto[*]Information for Students visiting Ontario[*]Ontario – Getting a Driver’s Licence[*]Ontario Downloadable Driver Handbooks[*]Ontario High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes[*]Out of Country drivers[*]Visiting Ontario – Government License information[*]Prince Edward Island Useful Websites[*]Department of Transportation[*]Info PEI[*]PEI Tourist board[*]Prince Edward Island Downloadable Driver Handbooks[*]Quebec Useful Websites[*]Getting a driver’s license in Quebec[*]International Driving Permit[*]Official tourist site of the government of Quebec[*]Société de l’assurance de Québec[*]Saskatchewan Useful Websites[*]Driver licensing in Saskatchewan[*]Saskatchewan Downloadable Driver Handbooks[*]Saskatchewan Government Insurance[*]Yukon[*]Driver Licensing and Vehicle Registration[*]Driver manuals[*]Yukon government driver licensing 路考的心得:安全是考官考察的第一要素,一定要obey the rules。平行趴车一次不到位再调整一点关系都没有。 据说平均下来,路考三次考过。所以第一次fail掉,第二次通过还是正常的。 准备一下,下次会表现得更好的。 3# 雨润无声
Because drivers have to cooperate to keep traffic moving safely, you must also be predictable, doing what other people using the road expect you to do. And you must be courteous. Courteous driving means giving other drivers space to change lanes, not cutting them off and signalling your turns and lane changes properly.
You must be able to see dangerous situations before they happen and to respond quickly and effectively to prevent them. This is called defensive or strategic driving. There are collision avoidance courses available where you can practice these techniques.
Defensive driving is based on three ideas: visibility, space and communication.
Visibility is about seeing and being seen. You should always be aware of traffic in front, behind and beside you. Keep your eyes constantly moving, scanning the road ahead and to the side and checking your mirrors every five seconds or so. The farther ahead you look, the less likely you will be surprised, and you will have time to avoid any hazards. Make sure other drivers can see you by using your signal lights as required.
Managing the space around your vehicle lets you see and be seen and gives you time and space to avoid a collision. Leave a cushion of space ahead, behind and to both sides. Because the greatest risk of a collision is in front of you, stay well back.
Communicate with other road users to make sure they see you and know what you are doing. Make eye contact with pedestrians, cyclists and drivers at intersections and signal whenever you want to slow down, stop, turn or change lanes. If you need to get another person's attention, use your horn. 只注重安全也不行。 我一朋友在不是四方停牌的路口,因为太注意安全,观察和等待其他方向来车通过的时间稍长,也被考官扣分了。说要keep your right of way.该走即走,该加速加速。 跟着教练去离多伦多几十公里的Oshawa考点考G2,结果第一个左转弯没有处理好。我前面两个车已经转了,我刚到路口变黄灯了,还没反应过来就被考官一脚刹车踩停在线内。悲催......接下来考试照常进行,再没有差错,被扣 ...
雨润无声 发表于 2012-7-7 10:33 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
把fail当作平常事,总有哥们过的那一天,嘿嘿。不急。 只注重安全也不行。 我一朋友在不是四方停牌的路口,因为太注意安全,观察和等待其他方向来车通过的时间稍长,也被考官扣分了。说要keep your right of way.该走即走,该加速加速。 ...
蓝色薄荷 发表于 2012-7-7 10:49 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
把fail当作平常事,总有哥们过的那一天,嘿嘿。不急。 ...
sanyi 发表于 2012-7-7 10:59 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
爱死这句话了,嘿嘿『谢谢』 第一次没过很正常。可怜的我是考到第六次才过的,不过我都是在市区考的,victoria park 3次, Port Union 3次。但我一个朋友是去小镇考的也考了5次才过。 多考几次真的不是坏事。 否则的话,是都要还回去的。 第一次没过很正常。可怜的我是考到第六次才过的,不过我都是在市区考的,victoria park 3次, Port Union 3次。但我一个朋友是去小镇考的也考了5次才过。
morriconean 发表于 2012-7-7 11:11 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
GOD, help. 我不想考这么多次啊。。。 多考几次真的不是坏事。 否则的话,是都要还回去的。
lamjin 发表于 2012-7-7 11:12 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
这话是好话:-D 多考几次真的不是坏事。 否则的话,是都要还回去的。
lamjin 发表于 2012-7-7 11:12 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
杀破狼 发表于 2012-7-7 11:21 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
lamjin 发表于 2012-7-7 11:40 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
不要吓唬新人,蒙城这,据说只要买了保险,出了事,人和车都由保险公司负责,跟车主没关系,不象国内,拖也把你拖死。安省不知道啊。 楼主是在安省。 楼主新考的G2 保险大概在300-400/每月。 楼主是在安省。 楼主新考的G2 保险大概在300-400/每月。
lamjin 发表于 2012-7-7 11:55 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
我的个乖乖,还是蒙城好啊,最近一个新同学刚买了车保险,保了一百万,也才每个月100多点。 『支持』『必胜』下次通过!
『谢谢』分享经验。 第一次没过很正常。可怜的我是考到第六次才过的,不过我都是在市区考的,victoria park 3次, Port Union 3次。但我一个朋友是去小镇考的也考了5次才过。
morriconean 发表于 2012-7-7 11:11 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
『慰问』 可怜人。:-P