今天在加拿大驻北京大使馆的官网上查询移民进度,突然查不到了。显示:We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. There could be three possible reasons:
[*]Please be sure the information you entered is correct and then try again.[*]This service is only available to clients with applications in process. We may have received your application but not yet begun processing it. The following link may help you determine if your application is being processed:
Application Processing Times[*]At this time, you may use this on-line service to view the status of your application ONLY if you have:[*]sponsored a member of the family class;[*]applied for permanent residence from within or outside Canada;[*]applied for a permanent resident card (replacement or renewal);[*]applied for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship);[*]applied for Canadian citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (on or after January 1, 1947);[*]applied for a citizenship certificate (proof of Canadian citizenship);[*]applied to renounce Canadian citizenship; or[*]applied to resume Canadian citizenship.The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may help you to access the status of your application through CAS
为啥呢? 我也是啊, 这已经是第二次了, 第一次后地址栏没有了, 这一周后又看不到了, 难道我们要DM了? 我也是啊。我是6月18日MER的,然后过了一天,就再也查不到进度了。同祈求顺利大通过。 『必胜』『谢谢』 今天又查了,还是查不到,什么时候可以啊。 今天又查了,还是查不到,什么时候可以啊。
dymonicadong 发表于 2012-6-28 17:04 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
嗯。。。我也是。。。现在一天刷3次屏。家人都说我疯了。加油! 留个爪:刚刚又忍不住上了CIC网站,居然又可以查了,地址栏也恢复了,可是还是IP。这是怎么回事啊? 我的还是不能查, 不知道怎么回事, CIC真是摸不准。『大汗』『必胜』 我的能查了,还是MER。 我也可以查了, 地址栏也回来了,就是还是MER啊,我欲哭无泪啊。 不知道71新政策会不会让我们加速啊!『大汗』:-@ 我的还是mer。真的好希望PL. 又查不了了, 我觉得是不是近来网站维护啊, 老是一会出现一会没有的。 听说91那边很多人DM了。真是羡慕啊。 对了,楼上妥投护照的同学们:你们体检完交护照,也是CIC要你们同时交的是吧?我的体检信没有要求我交护照啊。 对的,CIC要求把护照和体检单、登陆费一起交。 16# farocean
都是在加拿大移民局网上查的, 北京我没查过。 呜呜, 刚才又看了一下, 又查不到了,什么意思啊! 对的,CIC要求把护照和体检单、登陆费一起交。
rootwu 发表于 2012-7-5 15:10 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
我也是这样的啊 技术移民 依然无丝不动,CIC真是淡定啊, 我无语啊。今年暑假登陆的想法泡影了,寒假能不能拿到大信封都是问题啊!