本帖最后由 wondering 于 2012-5-13 14:49 编辑12岁的儿子第一次给我送礼物,他自己做了一个卡片,还写了下面这段话『感动』
I may not say it often
But let me say it now
I’m so glad that you’re my mom
I thank you for your encouragement and trust
I can’t believe you put up with my mess and misbehavior
I find it funny when you laugh and cough
I appreciate your food and your special lemonade
I think you’re great at computers, dogs, cleaning, and picking out good restaurants
I admire the way you cook and play with Sherwood
I love it when you let me make ramen noodles or play Xbox360
I think it’s cool that you know about guns a lot
I definitely have your appearance
I haven’t thanked you enough for making me meals or buying me an Xbox360
I’m fortunate you’ve taught me to speak English and to cook
I like when we go camping or play laser tag
There’s so much I take for granted
But I really think you’re great
You do so much for me
So this is what I create
(LG的花和儿子的卡,it just made my day) 我很骄傲认识你这位朋友,以及你有这样的儿子。 愿天下母亲平平安安,健健康康!!『洋葱头B02』 幸福得一塌糊涂啊:-D 好儿子,值得lz自豪。 当妈的和当儿子的都很幸福!『感动』 unbelievable...this is from 12-year-old boy...『酷』
ps. Sherwood...so this is his English name...『喜欢』 『洋葱头B02』真幸福。 再皮个埃斯,原来W做菜也不错的。。。什么时候开个美食贴,跟老C打个擂。。。『欢迎』 好幸福的妈妈啊,有这么甜蜜知心善于表达的儿子! unbelievable...this is from 12-year-old boy...『酷』
ps. Sherwood...so this is his English name...『喜欢』
非娜 发表于 2012-5-13 21:23 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
Sherwood是小五:-D 再皮个埃斯,原来W做菜也不错的。。。什么时候开个美食贴,跟老C打个擂。。。『欢迎』
非娜 发表于 2012-5-13 21:32 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
不敢啊,我做菜一点没创意,和老C没法比啊『大汗』 这就是同时被两个男人爱的滋味 这就是同时被两个男人爱的滋味
William 发表于 2012-5-14 02:45 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
老威也来说说同时被两个女人爱啥滋味啊,下个月就该父亲节了『呵呵』 好妈妈、好妻子、好儿子、好老公、好爸爸和可爱的小五『佩服』『羡慕』
wondering 发表于 14-5-2012 19:00 http://www.ourdream.ca/forums/static/image/common/back.gif
http://picache.baidu.com/media?wd=CDA79D2E8563D8F5C0BE992128D3F9A71319897F5FC81D9E2EDFB6F69D1FD43A7926CDBD1C8762155CB8ACCD74AC4100&src=http://open.baidu.com/stat/image/muqin.gif&def=local://neverfill2012年5月13日 星期日每年五月的第二个星期日是母亲节(Mother's Day),起源于古希腊。母亲节是一年中感谢母亲的节日,母亲们在这天通常会收到礼物或康乃馨花。
http://picache.baidu.com/media?wd=CDA79D2E8563D8F5C0BE992128D3F9A71319897F5FC81D9EE3B31B136E665D4558AEDDE0DAF0F087D6C3A7512D6FB0B8&src=http://open.baidu.com/stat/image/father.gif&def=local://neverfill2012年6月17日 星期日每年六月的第三个星期日是父亲节(Father's Day),起源于美国。父亲节是一年中特别感谢父亲的节日,不同国家的父亲节日期也不尽相同。 哇,小诗人啊!『崇拜』
更羡慕幸福的Wondering!『羡慕』 幸福得哭了吧。『洋葱头S64』 真幸福! 细心的好儿子,我这个不搭界的旁人都看着感动S了,更何况是儿子他亲妈『洋葱头S76』