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楼主 |
发表于 2007-9-20 10:16:04
回复: 产妇产前准备大全
一:Prepare for the baby (新生儿的准备)
1.Booster 3-in-1 car seat (from 5lb. to 80/100 lb.), stroller, stroller toy bar, stroller weahershield
2.Crib(can open as a twin size bed for toddler will be better),crib mattress, beding set in a bag, small pillow/crib wedge, blanket, air flow sleep- positioner, musical mobile( beter has remote control, at Toy R Us),monitor(if u want to leave baby at other room, the new one can see the baby, too.),crib light
3.Playpen (with bassinet& changing station, can change diaper on top, sleep when go out for trip, play inside when glowing up)
4.Rocker/ bouncer(self-drinking formula, nap, playing)
5.Chage pads(different size),receving blankets(more for new born),hat, sleepers, infant booties, socks, dresser(for baby clothes),bibs
6.Bath basin, small basin(daily wash),sponge, bath towels, face towels(more),shower gel(head to toe),baby lotion, vaseline, baby powder, baby oil(for bath &use when baby has lots of 头垢 after born),diaper cream(for rash)
7.Thermometer(ear Thermometer is better,use when 2 years old),nail clipper(u can buy a set,one brand incleds a 放大镜),grooming set,oral kit,alcohol(1:1 with warm water to clean baby cord area with cotton ball/stick),Ovol drops(relief infant colic &gas after feeding),Tempra drops(infant fever/other brand),Dimetapp oral infant cold drops,and so on...
8.Diaper bag,diaper(1 packge new born diaper&1 box for No.1 diaper),wiper, wipes case, diaper genie/ odourless diaper pail,
9.Express warmer(choose wide mouth,warm milk& baby food),steam sterilizers(cleaning bottles,u can choose Avent,it includs breast pump,but the nipple size is more biger,baby won't accepet small size niple after use,you can buy other brand),bottles(reduce gas), nipples,pacifiers,disposable breast pads,feeding bras,feeding pillow.
到wal-mart,baby r us等baby session,就可以发现奶嘴有很多种款式,而且按宝宝大小分slow,medium,fast三种流量,有扁的,十字型等等。
10. - 洗衣液: ultra Ivory snow gentle care detergent - Gentle care for baby clothes & fine washable.
- 柔软剂: ultra fleecy fabric softener concentrated - Lily of the Valley( smells so nice!)
After 3 moths:
high chair,jolly jumper/swing,soft toys,teethers,bowls with lid,spoons,cups......
Go shopping at baby section of Wal-mart, Bay,Seras,Toy R Us for all baby products,sometimes Wal-mart, Lablows&Costco doing diaper pomotion.
Some links(get samples&coupons):
http://www.meadjohnson.com/(baby products)
http://www.nestle.com/(baby food)
http://www.heinz.ca(baby food)
http://www.kiddytownltd.yp.ca/(baby stuff)
采编自:甜贝贝亲子乐园 |