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发表于 2004-9-1 11:10:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"ouble quote (双引号之间,可以说成:between the double quotes)
(:left brace
):right brace
{pen curly brace / left curly bracket
}:closing curly brace / right curly bracket
[:left square bracket
]:right square bracket
?:question mark
=:equal sign
%ercent sign
!:exclamation mark

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-1 11:15:04 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-1 11:37:11 | 显示全部楼层

Pronunciation guide:

  1.    The Pronunciation Guide
  2.    -----------------------
  3.          version 2.5
  4. Names derived from UNIX are marked with *, names derived from C are marked
  5. with +, names derived from (Net)Hack are marked with & and names deserving
  6. further explanation are marked with a #.  The explanations will be given at
  7. the very end.
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9.       -- SINGLE CHARACTERS --
  10.      SPACE, blank, ghost&
  11. !    EXCLAMATION POINT, exclamation (mark), (ex)clam, excl, wow, hey, boing,
  12. bang#, shout, yell, shriek, pling, factorial, ball-bat, smash, cuss,
  13. store#, potion&, not*+, dammit*#
  14. "    QUOTATION MARK, (double) quote, dirk, literal mark, rabbit ears,
  15. double ping, double glitch, amulet&, web&, inverted commas
  16. #    CROSSHATCH, pound, pound sign, number, number sign, sharp, octothorpe#,
  17. hash, (garden) fence, crunch, mesh, hex, flash, grid, pig-pen,
  18. tictactoe, scratch (mark), (garden) gate, hak, oof, rake, sink&,
  19. corridor&, unequal#, punch mark
  20. $    DOLLAR SIGN, dollar, cash, currency symbol, buck, string#, escape#,
  21. ding, big-money, gold&, Sonne#
  22. %    PERCENT SIGN, percent, mod+, shift-5, double-oh-seven, grapes, food&
  23. &    AMPERSAND, and, amper, address+, shift-7, andpersand, snowman,
  24. bitand+, donald duck#, daemon&, background*, pretzel
  25. '    APOSTROPHE, (single) quote, tick, prime, irk, pop, spark, glitch,
  26. lurker above&
  27. *    ASTERISK, star, splat, spider, aster, times, wildcard*, gear, dingle,
  28. (Nathan) Hale#, bug, gem&, twinkle, funny button#, pine cone, glob*
  29. ()   PARENTHESES, parens, round brackets, bananas, ears, bowlegs
  30. (    LEFT PARENTHESIS,  (open) paren,  so,  wane,  parenthesee,   open,  sad,
  31. tool&
  32. )    RIGHT PARENTHESIS, already, wax, unparenthesee, close (paren), happy,
  33. thesis, weapon&
  34. +    PLUS SIGN, plus, add, cross, and, intersection, door&, spellbook&
  35. ,    COMMA, tail, trapper&
  36. -    HYPHEN, minus (sign), dash, dak, option, flag, negative (sign), worm,
  37. bithorpe#
  38. .    PERIOD, dot, decimal (point), (radix) point, spot, full stop,
  39. put#, floor&
  40. /    SLASH, stroke, virgule, solidus, slant, diagonal, over, slat, slak,
  41. across#, compress#, reduce#, replicate#, spare, divided-by, wand&,
  42. forward slash, shilling#
  43. :    COLON, two-spot, double dot, dots, chameleon&
  44. ;    SEMICOLON, semi, hybrid, giant eel&, go-on#
  45. <>   ANGLE BRACKETS, angles, funnels, brokets, pointy brackets, widgets
  46. <    LESS THAN,    less, read from*, from*,        in*,  comesfrom*, crunch,
  47. sucks, left chevron#, open pointy (brack[et]), bra#, upstairs&, west,
  48. (left|open) widget
  49. >    GREATER THAN, more, write to*,  into/toward*, out*, gazinta*,   zap,
  50. blows, right chevron#, closing pointy (brack[et]), ket#, downstairs&,
  51. east, (right|close) widget
  52. =    EQUAL SIGN, equal(s), gets, becomes, quadrathorpe#, half-mesh, ring&
  53. ?    QUESTION MARK, question, query, whatmark, what, wildchar*, huh, ques,
  54. kwes, quiz, quark, hook, scroll&, interrogation point
  55. @    AT SIGN, at, each, vortex, whirl, whirlpool, cyclone, snail, ape (tail),
  56. cat, snable-a#, trunk-a#, rose, cabbage, Mercantile symbol, strudel#,
  57. fetch#, shopkeeper&, human&, commercial-at, monkey (tail)
  58. []   BRACKETS, square brackets, U-turns, edged parentheses
  59. [    LEFT BRACKET,  bracket,   bra, (left) square (brack[et]),   opensquare,
  60. armor&
  61. ]    RIGHT BRACKET, unbracket, ket, right square (brack[et]), unsquare, close,
  62. mimic&
  63. \    BACKSLASH, reversed virgule, bash, (back)slant, backwhack, backslat,
  64. escape*, backslak, bak, scan#, expand#, opulent throne&, slosh, slope,
  65. blash
  66. ^    CIRCUMFLEX, caret, carrot, (top)hat, cap, uphat, party hat, housetop,
  67. up arrow, control, boink, chevron, hiccup, power, to-the(-power), fang,
  68. sharkfin, and#, xor+, wok, trap&, pointer#, pipe*, upper-than#
  69. _    UNDERSCORE, underline, underbar, under, score, backarrow, flatworm, blank,
  70. chain&, gets#, dash#, sneak
  71. `    GRAVE, (grave/acute) accent, backquote, left/open quote, backprime,
  72. unapostrophe, backspark, birk, blugle, backtick, push, backglitch,
  73. backping, execute#, boulder&, rock&, blip
  74. {}   BRACES, curly braces, squiggly braces, curly brackets, squiggle brackets,
  75. Tuborgs#, ponds, curly chevrons#, squirrly braces, hitchcocks#,
  76. chippendale brackets#
  77. {    LEFT BRACE,  brace,   curly,   leftit, embrace,  openbrace, begin+,
  78. fountain&
  79. }    RIGHT BRACE, unbrace, uncurly, rytit,  bracelet, close,     end+, a pool&
  80. |    VERTICAL BAR, pipe*, pipe to*, vertical line, broken line#, bar, or+,
  81. bitor+, vert, v-bar, spike, to*, gazinta*, thru*, pipesinta*, tube,
  82. mark, whack, gutter, wall&
  83. ~    TILDE, twiddle, tilda, tildee, wave, squiggle, swung dash, approx,
  84. wiggle, enyay#, home*, worm, not+
  86. !? interrobang (one overlapped character)
  87. */ asterslash+, times-div#
  88. /*    slashterix+, slashaster
  89. := becomes#
  90. <- gets
  91. << left-shift+, double smaller
  92. <> unequal#
  93. >> appends*, cat-astrophe, right-shift+, double greater
  94. -> arrow+, pointer to+, hiccup+
  95. #! sh'bang, wallop
  96. \!* bash-bang-splat
  97. () nil#
  98. && and+, and-and+, amper-amper, succeeds-then*
  99. || or+, or-or+, fails-then*
  100.     -- NOTES --
  101. ! bang  comes from old card punch phenom where punching ! code made a
  102.   loud noise; however, this pronunciation is used in the (non-
  103.   computerized) publishing and typesetting industry in the U.S.
  104.   too, so ...
  105.   Alternatively it could have come from comic books, where the
  106.   words each character utters are shown in a "balloon" near that
  107.   character's head.  When one character shoots another, it is
  108.   common to see a balloon pointing at the barrel of the gun to
  109.   denote that the gun had been fired, not merely aimed.
  110.   That balloon contained the word "!" -- hence, "!" == "Bang!"
  111. ! store  from FORTH
  112. ! dammit as in "quit, dammit!" while exiting vi and hoping one hasn't
  113.   clobbered a file too badly
  114. # octothorpe from Bell System (orig. octalthorpe)
  115. # unequal e.g. Modula-2
  116. $ string from BASIC
  117. $ escape from TOPS-10
  118. $ Sonne  In the "socialist" countries they used and are using all kinds
  119.   of IBM clones (hardware + sw). It was a common practice just
  120.   to rename everything (IBM 360 --> ESER 1040 etc.).
  121.   Of course the "dollar" sign had to be renamed - it became the
  122.   "international currency symbol" which looks like a circle with
  123.   4 rays spreading from it:
  124.      ____
  125.    \/    \/
  126.    /      \
  127.    \      /
  128.    /\____/\
  129.   Because it looks like a (small) shining sun, in the German
  130.   Democratic Republic it was usually called "Sonne" (sun).
  131. & donald duck from the Danish "Anders And", which means "Donald Duck"
  132. * splat  from DEC "spider" glyph
  133. * Nathan Hale "I have but one asterisk for my country."
  134. * funny button at Pacific Bell, * was referred to by employees as the "funny
  135.   button", which did not please management at all when it became
  136.   part of the corporate logo of Pacific Telesis, the holding
  137.   company ...
  138. */ times-div from FORTH
  139. = quadrathorpe half an octothorpe
  140. - bithorpe half a quadrathorpe (So what's a monothorpe?)
  141. . put  Victor Borge's Phonetic Punctuation which dates back to the
  142.   middle 1950's
  143. / across APL
  144. / compress APL
  145. / reduce APL
  146. / replicate APL
  147. / shilling from the British currency symbol
  148. := becomes e.g. Pascal
  149. ; go-on  Algol68
  150. < left chevron from the military: worn vertically on the sleeve to signify
  151.   rating
  152. < bra  from quantum mechanics
  153. <> unequal e.g. Pascal
  154. > right chevron see "< left chevron"
  155. > ket  from quantum mechanics
  156. @ snable-a from Danish; may translate as "trunk-a"
  157. @ trunk-a "trunk" = "elephant nose"
  158. @ strudel as in Austrian apple cake
  159. @ fetch  from FORTH
  160. \ scan  APL
  161. \ expand APL
  162. ^ and  from formal logic
  163. ^ pointer from PASCAL
  164. ^ upper-than cf. > and <
  165. _ gets  some alternative representation of underscore resembles a
  166.   backarrow
  167. _ dash  as distinct from '-' == minus
  168. ` execute from shell command substitution
  169. {} Tuborgs from advertizing for well-known Danish beverage
  170. {} curly chevr. see "< left chevron"
  171. {} hitchcocks from the old Alfred Hitchcock show, with the stylized profile
  172.   of the man
  173. {} chipp. br. after Chippendale chairs
  174. | broken line EBCDIC has two vertical bars, one solid and one broken.
  175. ~ enyay  from the Spanish n-tilde
  176. () nil  LISP
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-1 12:26:59 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-1 13:17:10 | 显示全部楼层

.period 句号
,comma 逗号
:colon 冒号
;semicolon 分号
!exclamation 惊叹号
?question mark 问号
 ̄hyphen 连字符
'apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号
—dash 破折号
‘ ’single quotation marks 单引号
“ ”double quotation marks 双引号
( )parentheses 圆括号
[ ]square brackets 方括号
《 》French quotes 法文引号;书名号
...ellipsis 省略号
¨tandem colon 双点号
"ditto 同上
‖parallel 双线号
/virgule 斜线号
&ampersand = and
~swung dash 代字号
§section; division 分节号
→arrow 箭号;参见号
+plus 加号;正号
-minus 减号;负号
±plus or minus 正负号
×is multiplied by 乘号
÷is divided by 除号
=is equal to 等于号
≠is not equal to 不等于号
≡is equivalent to 全等于号
≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号
≈is approximately equal to 约等于号
<is less than 小于号
>is more than 大于号
≮is not less than 不小于号
≯is not more than 不大于号
≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号
≥is more than or equal to  大于或等于号
%per cent 百分之…
‰per mill 千分之…
∞infinity 无限大号
∝varies as 与…成比例
√(square) root 平方根
∵since; because 因为
∴hence 所以
∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例
∠angle 角
⌒semicircle 半圆
⊙circle 圆
○circumference 圆周
πpi 圆周率
△triangle 三角形
⊥perpendicular to 垂直于
∪union of 并,合集
∩intersection of 交,通集
∫the integral of …的积分
∑(sigma) summation of 总和
°degree 度
′minute 分
″second 秒
#number …号
℃Celsius system 摄氏度
@at 单价
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-1 14:09:07 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-21 22:44:12 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-21 22:52:31 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2005-3-21 22:52:45 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-22 10:42:08 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-22 11:30:39 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-22 13:00:24 | 显示全部楼层
有谁知道 下划线 怎么读?就是 ̄hyphen 连字符同一个键的那个_ 符号。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-17 16:30:52 | 显示全部楼层

回复: [原创]如何读计算机键盘上的英文字符

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